Lace makers in 19th Century Nottingham, England selectively bred the early bulldog for a downsized or "toy" bulldog, for use as a lap pet. When the Industrial Revolution displaced some lacemakers to France, they took the dogs with them, and soon the "toy" bulldogs became popular in France, where wealthy Americans doing the Grand Tour saw and fell in love with them. In the late 1800s these "toy bulldogs" became known as French Bulldogs.

 Playful, affectionate, and exceptionally good natured, the French Bulldog, or "Frenchie," is bred primarily as a companion pet. But Frenchies also make good watchdogs. Compact and muscular, with a small to medium build, they are a good choice for small living spaces. Frenchies are highly trainable and intelligent, and are happiest when close to their human family. They are excellent with children and compatible with other pets. They desire alot of attention from their loved ones.,GGLM:2009-39,GGLM:en&q=frenchie+bulldog&revid=0&resnum=0&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=vgvUStmIJIzh8QaIyaGEDQ&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=7&ved=0CD4QsAQwBg&biw=1280&bih=675

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